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Elon Musk denies gifting Chechen warlord a Tesla truck

Elon Musk on Monday denied that he gifted Chechnya’s strongman leader Ramzan Kadyrov a Cybertruck.
“Are you seriously so retarded that you think I donated a Cybertruck to a Russian general?” Musk wrote on his social media platform, X.
“Yet another example of how much the legacy media lies,” he added.
Kadyrov on Saturday posted a video on Telegram of himself behind the wheel of the Tesla vehicle, which appeared to be fitted with a gun turret, and thanked Musk for sending it.
“Elon, thank you! Come to Grozny, I will receive you as my most dear guest!” said Kadyrov, a staunch Putin ally who is under a raft of U.S. and EU sanctions. He added that he would send the Cybertruck to the battlefield in Ukraine where Russia continues its full-scale assault.
Tesla did not respond to POLITICO’s request for comment.
